Votre site dans le cloud ?
Découvrez Simple Hosting, notre cloud en mode PaaS à partir de 4€HT par mois (-50% la première année pour les clients domaine)
This domain name has been registered with Gandi.net
It is currently being parked by the owner
Register a domain name
At Gandi, you can choose from over a hundred different extensions, and benefit from a wide range of services included with your domain (email, forwarding, SSL, etc.)
Simple Hosting
Discover Gandi's Simple Hosting, our cloud-based PaaS service starting at €4 per month (50% off the first year for domain name customers).
This domain name has been registered with Gandi.net
It is currently being parked by the owner
Register a domain name
At Gandi, you can choose from over a hundred different extensions, and benefit from a wide range of services included with your domain (email, forwarding, SSL, etc.)
Simple Hosting
Discover Gandi's Simple Hosting, our cloud-based PaaS service starting at €4 per month (50% off the first year for domain name customers).